There’s been a few times in my life when I just needed to get away, to go sit by a river for a couple of days and press the reset button. This weekend was one of them. No phone, no internet, no Facebook approval porn. Sometimes it's good to connect. And sometimes it's important to take some time for yourself. I've made more phone calls in the last week to friends and family than I have in the last 5 months. And after sharing every detail of my life online since I got here all I want to do now is listen, not talk. I want to hear other people's stories. But this weekend was my time to step back, switch off and reset. You know it's been a long week when a sunset brings you close to tears - a strange mix of gratitude, sadness, appreciation and joy. It was 2 days of reading and swimming and kayaking. 2 days of listening and watching and appreciating. And it was exactly what the doctor ordered. Nature never fails to deliver.

I envy you Gary - what a magic spot beside the river (what is the name of the river?).
Also enjoyed the audio/vid which added to the ambience of the special spot.