It's not every day you have a National Park all for yourself. The park is officially closed to visitors this time of the year but thanks to the local Traditional Owners I was able to access the river and enjoy a day of silence and taking it nice and slow.
I've done this walk a few times on my own and numerous times with groups of 20 people. It's so nice being able to slow down and really appreciate the place. The reward for me comes in seeing things that I've never seen before, like my first Emerald Dove. Or watching a female Fairy-wren build a nest, or spotting a Pale Field Rat after dark, or several Monjons - a small marsupial only found on the Mitchell Plateau. These are the moments that bring these places to life. These are the moments that make you see a place with fresh eyes and to rediscover the magic of it all.

...monjons with babys🥰?😉🙋