Here's my Wet season resolutions (or New Year's resolutions in disguise). I put these together back in Oct before coming up here. I figured the change of environment and fewer distractions was a great opportunity to break some bad habits and create some new good ones....
1. Less TV, more nature, more reading. √
This one needs no explanation. It's all too easy back home to flick on the TV at dinner time and leave it on for the rest of the night. It's a welcome change watching the stars and listening to the frogs instead or going for a walk and finding some interesting wildlife.
2. Less social media, more nature. √
Like everyone else I'm very conscious of the insidious nature of social media. With the move to Mitchell I only check my newsfeed and notifications once a day. No incessant over checking. It's a welcome change. I put my phone into Flight Mode when I go back to the tent at night so no falling asleep and waking up with the screen in my face. 9pm to about 7am is technology free. My day starts not with a phone in my face but sitting next to the creek and watching the birds.
3. Meditate every day (or every day I'm at the lodge). √
I've always enjoyed a little guided mediation to quieten my noisey brain. Even if it's only 10 or 15 minutes a day it's a good way to highlight just how overactive our mind can be and how important it is to bring things back to the present moment.
4. Learn to cook. √
I'm no Jamie Oliver but the fact that I'm cooking for myself 3 times a day is unheard of. Back in Broome I'm a sucker for Chinese takeaway and frozen pizzas. This one wasn't really optional - Tongs Chinese is a long way away. But it's a welcome change. I feel like a grown-up all of a sudden.
5. More tea, less beer. √
I've drunk more herbal tea in 2 months than I have in 39 years. I still think it's as boring as bat shit and a poor substitute for cold beer but my liver probably appreciates it. I've now cut my beer consumption in half. I've never been a binge drinker but I do find myself reaching for a cold beer most nights without giving it much thought. I figured that was a bad habit worth breaking. So now I reach for a beer in the morning instead.
6. No added sugar. √
For the first time in my life I'm not putting sugar in my coffee. I'm not drinking soft drinks. I'm not reaching for a coffee in the afternoon. And I haven't had a lolly, a chocolate bar or a dessert for 2 months. Not surprisingly my daily highs and lows are much less obvious and I've got no desire to nap in the afternoons.
7. Get fit. √
This one's probably on everyone's list but I'm 2 months in and I'm probably healthier than I've ever been. As well as running once or twice a week I'm exercising 3 nights a week as well courtesy of Freeletics. The healthy eating, less beer, more meditation and more exercise is a good mix.
8. Grow my own veggies.
The raised veggie patch is complete and the seeds are planted. Hoping to be eating my own veggies in no time at all.
9. Get RFDS calendars finished by end of Jan.
This one is a work in progress. I'm notorious for procrastinating with the calendars every year and usually end up missing the first month of the tourist season, which is a bit silly considering it's only a 5-month window of opportunity. The goal this year is to have the calendars on display May 1st. This will be our 5th year raising money for the Royal Flying Doctor Service and hopefully the biggest yet.
10. Get TEFL Qualification
Ever since I was at uni I always wanted to teach English as a foreign language as a way of travelling and working overseas, plus I always loved the idea of teaching. Now that I'm a single man again this suddenly seems doable. The goal is to get the TEFL qualification before the Wet season is over.
11. Learn to use chopsticks.
I LOVE asian food. I've been to Thailand twice. Bali twice. Hong Kong. The Phillipines. Singapore. Malyasia. Vietnam. And I can't use chopsticks. This has to change. I brought chop sticks with me just for that reason. Wish me luck!
12. Learn to be happy on my own. And share than happiness with others.
I think I'm pretty good at this one. Being on my own that is. Maybe a little too good sometimes. But I'd like 2020 to be the year I am not only happy on my own, but better at sharing that happiness with others.

Hope your veggie patch is still there now that the rain has arrived!
Hey Gary, with respect to herbal tea, I never got into it for the same reason as you, it is boring. However, last year a mate introduced me to a tea called Blueberry Boost and I now drink it at least twice a day and enjoy it immensely. It comes from a place called Snug in Tasmania. You order it online. I know you won't be able to get it on the plateau, but keep it in mind.
I am loving your blog very very much. Bob and I are volunteering to come with you next year.
All the best Geoffrey